Project 2 Peer Review by Bright Sky

Presentation & Organization of Output Packet

Editing, shape, size

Is the main body direct and clear of unnecessary technical clutter?

The blog presentation is clean and direct.

Is the project report easy to navigate?

Theron’s project is organized according to the design cycle, which make it logical and clear. The navigation is done through the menu dropdown. It might benefit to have a little “next” button at the bottom so I don’t have to scroll all the way back up to get to the next section. Getting to the appendix, three levels of drop down was challenging. Otherwise, it was all on one page and really easy to read, like the pages of a book.

Is the project report of appropriate size?  Too much, too little?

Theron is thorough. Designing a Permaculture Design Course is an intense and demanding process, and especially because I am integrated in the next one there is so much information here that is valuable to me. It is appropriate to the context and scope of the undertaking.

Does the report flow well?

Organizing it according to the design cycle makes the progression flow and follow it from the pattern of the PDC down to the details of implementation and feedback.

Mix of media, genres and styles

(Media mix = (for example) video, slide presentation, written report, animations etc. Genres = story, documentary report, game, talk show etc.  Styles = fonts, images, colour, graphical look and feel etc.)

A project report does not need to be ‘flash’, the emphasis is on relevance and beneficial nature of the chosen techniques. Note that research and choice in this field is an opportunity to use design thinking and thus you can make conscious use of (and report) a design process.  Exploring and enhancing how we present material allows us to develop and refine our professional portfolio.

What do you think about choices regarding media, genre and style to enhance and support the meaning and the message of the project report?

Theron uses pictures, stories, links to other experiences, as well as videos and pdf of the programs he used to plan the PDC. Anyone thinking about offering a two week intensive will find many useful materials and inspirations, as well as gain an understanding of the years of groundwork it takes to prepare yourself to handle this knowledge.

Management of Output Packet Creation

Was the project report submitted on time with sufficient time allowed for peer review? Do you consider the project report complete with 3 P’s, learning journal extracts and personal process review, appendices, etc?

The project was on time, the peer review … is a little late. The report is complete with personal, project, professional, extracts, appendix.

Design Skills

Articulation of Approach

Is it clear what design approaches/organizing frameworks and processes were considered for the design of the project?

Theron divides his projects into the design cycle: Goals, Analyze and Assess, Design, Implement, Reflect. He used a series of computer programs (Numbers, WordPress, Eventbrite) for organizing and outreach. Theron does a really great job of keeping his goal in mind, and steadily moving toward it through whatever resistances or challenges to form a solution.


Has your peer evidenced good use of design skills to influence the quality of their project and their action learning pathway?

Theron sets the standard for quality. No doubt this is clear, well considered, accessible information.

Critical Evaluation & Thinking

Any evidence of attempts to validate original thinking and has your peer provided some third-party evidence to support your conclusions? Links, references, etc?

Theron has a wonderful humility in acknowledging the many people who have helped him along his journey, not limited to Wheatsville, the Australians, the Thai, Rak/Panya family, a plethora of reading material, his own journals., his supporters and cohorts and friend and organizations – everything is connected.

Action learning skills (for Project and Output)

Concrete Experience (Awareness in action)

Does the report indicate balance between action and thought – does your peer seem to be able to get to action and act?

Literally thousands of hours went into planning the most beneficial two weeks possible – mindfulness at its core.

Reflective Observation (Appraisal of action outcomes)

Does your peer create the time, space for good quality reflection?  Do the learning journal extracts seem useful?

I dug the slide show of the learning journals, there is so much good stuff that comes your way and it’s awesome that you can catch and store all that energy!

Active Experimentation (Use of piloting and trials)

Does the report show readiness and inventiveness around designing and operating pilots and trials (rapid prototypes)?  Is your peer “having a go” or in need of less planning and more doing?

It seems Theron did his teaching trials through other PDCs, teacher trainings, and preparation, so there were many steps and prototypes that preceded the actual teaching of this PDC.


Benefits to Field (Project)

Describe the ‘value’ of this work to the world?

This is training folks who are already inspired and motivated to give them focus and ways to understand what is happening around them. Not only is this giving direct access to basic knowledge that is well presented, it is creating embryos for future superheroes to share and grow and learn and teach. And by extensively documenting this process, Theron is opening the opportunity for others to replicate his model and be inspired by his story. The value of this work is 61.8% more than the value of regular education. (adjusting for consciousness inflation)

Growth of Skill flexes (Professional)

Can you reflect back professional skills you can see evolving?

I see mentorship, financial planning, curriculum planning, facilitation, educatorness, emotional resilience, communication, creative problem solving, group dynamics, event preparation, whiteboard skillz, etc.

Internal Growth & Development (Personal)

Any personal insights and gains you can reflect back to your peer?  Any clear (un)learning?

Theron’s passion continues to grow in a steady and directed way. It’s so frickin impressive what he does with what he has, knowing his limits and pushing them, knowing what he wants and knowing how to go about doing it, and when to ask for help.

Contributes to knowledge commons

Was there any movement towards disseminating the projects learnings? (eg, workshops, online tutorials, etc) Are their clear links available to the public/ peer group?

The next PDC is upcoming!

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