Teaching Permaculture Interactively

Permaculture is such a hugely broad and challenging subject to teach. But it doesn’t have to be hard work. We can make permaculture education fun and interactive!

How many of us have ever felt challenged by attempting to sum up permaculture into a 30 second “elevator speech”? What about a thirty minute talk? One hour? It seems like the longer you have to talk about permaculture the easier it gets. Perhaps that is because permaculture covers such a wide verity of disciplines and subjects that the elevator speech just can’t do it justice. But, try keeping that up for a full 72 hour PDC and, it doesn’t matter how many subjects you are able to cover, how knowledgeable you are, or how much depth you are able to go into on any particular topic, if all you do is talk… you’ll have lost the audience, and with it the opportunity to inspire, before you’ve even begun to get to the good bits.

Interactive EducationTeaching permaculture should never be a chore for either the student or the teacher. And believe me if you have never tried, talking for 6 – 8 hours a day about anything is just plain hard work. I recommend taking a break from all that hard work and exercise a little permaculture design on your permaculture design course.

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August PDC in Austin, Texas!!

It’s finally time, Austin!

As you might expect, I’m very excited to announce an upcoming visit home this August! I’m even more excited to announce this August PDC, an event that has been years in the making! Finally, with the help of so many amazing friends and family, this August, I will be facilitating an entire Permaculture Design Certificate course for the first time ever in Austin, Texas.

Teaching in the Food Forest

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